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Hi! We're AOS Publishing, the home of spontaneity, diversity and beautiful writing.
Our Shared History.
At AOS, we like art to be bold and real.
We are all about books that make you feel.
AOS’s passionate team of editors, artists, and digital experts is bringing the world of independent publishing into the 21st century.



AOS Publishing is the product of a great passion and a deep respect for the written word, coupled with a desire to revitalize and reinvigorate one of the world's oldest and most important art forms. In 2019, the vision came to fruition, and it is now our mission to share beautiful, intellectually stimulating works of literature from artists of all walks of life.
Welcome to the movement!
Our Promise.
We hold artistic integrity in the absolute highest regard. The quality of the work, and the satisfaction of both its consumer and creator are our biggest priorities.
Welcome to the Movement

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"AOS stands for Ace of Swords.
The reason for this is that the Ace of Swords is one of the most powerful cards in the tarot deck. It symbolizes power, the righteous intellect, and the inevitability of success. With power, however, comes responsibility. Because from power, follows peril. Thus is the double-edged nature of the sword. To risk is necessary to overcome.
To risk is necessary to be rewarded. To wield the sword valiantly, and to walk bravely into the night, with only the moon’s glare upon the sword’s steel to light the path forward.
This is what we stand for.
We are AOS, and we’d like to welcome you to the movement. "
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